Policy and charter of the school  


ESPIC is a place of teaching and education. It is also a place to exercise freedom and responsibility. 

The establishment is within the framework of the laws of the Republic; it aims to preserve the quality of relationship to which the various members of the educational community have long been attached; it reminds everyone that they are bound to respect everyone in all circumstances. Policy and charter of the school  

To remain a privileged place of personal and collective development, we will promote, whenever possible, initiatives of openness, meeting and dialogue. 


All members of the school are expected to behave in a manner that demonstrates respect for the rights, property, and safety of others as well as their own. They also agree to be personally responsible for their behavior so that we can maintain a safe and productive learning environment. 

Students are expected to respect their teachers and all other members of the school throughout their education. Any insult, disrespect, violence, or rebellion will be immediately sanctioned. 

Each student is committed to: 

  1. Demonstrate respect and appreciation for the diversity of all members of the school, regardless of race, culture, ethnicity, religion, gender, sexual orientation, age and ability. 
  1. Express themselves with socially acceptable language and gestures. 
  1. Behave in a manner free from intimidation, harassment, racism or discrimination. 
  1. Dress according to the school’s standards. 
  1. Treat school and other people’s property with care. 
  1. Respect the responsibility of all school members in carrying out their duties 
  1. To encourage positive behavior by avoiding any type of violent act. Everyone must use the premises, facilities and materials made available to them in the interest of the common good and in compliance with all the specific rules of which he is informed. 


L’étudiant doit se présenter 10 minutes avant le début des cours. Pour tout retard, les étudiants doivent prévenir immédiatement l’école par téléphone ou laisser un message sur le répondeur expliquant la raison de ce retard. 

A leur arrivée, les étudiants doivent demander un bon de rentrée auprès du service administratif, qui les autorisera à entrer en classe à la pause après avoir recueilli leurs explications. Cette procédure vise à permettre aux étudiants ponctuels de ne pas subir la désorganisation qui résulte des arrivées échelonnées des autres stagiaires. 

Toute absence doit faire l’objet d’une information immédiate auprès du service administratif, ainsi que d’une justification écrite auprès de celui-ci et de l’administration de l’établissement.